Description: 6-Jul-15. A listing of WV Potential Contaminate Sources designated by the Source Water Protection Program. A program of the WVDHHR Office of Environmental Health Services. For questions of issues contact DHHR OEHS GISTA Help Desk <>
Description: 10-Jan-25. A listing of Abandoned Mine Lands Planning Units for determining environmental assessments of AML sites.
Description: 10-Jan-25. A listing of Abandoned Mine Lands items like high walls and waterline extensions.
Description: 10-Jan-25. A listing of Abandoned Mine Lands sites with a polygon shape
Description: 10-Jan-25. A listing of Abandoned Mine Lands problem areas
Description: 10-Jan-25. A listing of Special Reclamations sites where reclaiming and treating of water on all bond forfeited coal mining permits since August 1977.
Description: 10-Jan-25. Compiled by the GIS unit (POC Mike Shank) from information in word documents and emails obtained 4/26/2016, which included coordinates. Original POC was David Johnson. Locations were checked against an older version. Buckannon, Clarksburg, and Mingo County closed landfills were moved to match the previous version due to apparently wrong coordinates (they plotted out of state or in the wrong county). Rick's auto was moved out of state to create an obvious error because it plotted in the wrong county, but actual coordinates could not be verified. It was left in the dataset to maintain completeness.This version does not include several facilities in the older version: Huntington landfill (closed), Prichard landfill in Wayne county (closed), a CAMC incenerator in Charleston, and a Dupont incenerator in Wood County.The marcellusd field indicates landfills accepting marcellus drilling waste for displsal as of the date obtained.
Description: 10-Jan-25. A listing of Landfill Closure Assistance Program Monitoring Wells for testing subsurface water.
Description: 10-Jan-25. A listing of Landfill Closure Assistance Program structures associated with landfills.
Description: 10-Jan-25. A listing of Landfill Closure Assistance Program access roads into LCAP Sites
Description: 10-Jan-25. A listing of Landfill Closure Assistance Program storage tanks.
Description: 10-Jan-25. Hydrologic Protection Unit The NPDES permits that fall under the Hydrologic Protection Unit (HPU) in the Permitting Section of the Division of Mining and Reclamation.
Description: 10-Jan-25. Office of Water Resources National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System A list of all active National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System sites.
Description: 10-Jan-25. Office of Water Resources National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System A list of National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System outlets.
Description: 10-Jan-25. A listing of registered Oil and Gas Well permits as points.
Description: 10-Jan-25. Voluntary Remediation Program A listing of voluntary clean-ups of contaminated sites as well as redevelopments of abandoned and under-utilized properties, in the hope of counteracting the lack of growth on sites with contamination or perceived contamination