Office of Environment Health Services
Radiological Health Physicists & Vendors

About Us

The Office of Environmental Health Services (OEHS) is responsible for developing, administering, and implementing a statewide comprehensive environmental health program that is designed to provide mandated services for the health and well-being of the citizens of West Virginia in the home, workplace, and the community at large. OEHS houses three (3) divisions:


Environmental Engineering (EED), which is the primary agency designated to carry out the provisions of the federal ASafe Drinking Water Act.@  The Division is responsible for assuring that the state’s 1,300 public drinking water supplies provide a reliable supply of safe drinking water to approximately 1,387,000 residents.  The Division is charged with the responsibility to assure that the design, construction, treatment, operation, and monitoring of the systems meet state and federal requirements.


Public Health Sanitation (PHS), which has the overall responsibility for developing, administering, and implementing a statewide program designed and dedicated to the eradication, control and constant improvement of environmental and public health sanitation factors that may, through direct or indirect causes, adversely affect the health and well-being of our citizens, a community or state as a whole.


Radiation, Toxics and Indoor Air (RTIA), which is responsible for the development, administration and the implementation of an array of specialized statewide public health programs including; Asbestos Compliance, Clandestine Drug Lab Remediation, Indoor Air Quality (IAQ), Lead, and Radiological Health. .


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